The Possibility to Recover Health of the People with Incurable Diseases Without Rebelling Ethics

Zhang J*


There are many incurable diseases that is caused by organ or tissue damage, such as diabetes, osteoporosis and disability, disable people from having a good life. One can’t do sport or enjoy the happiness of being healthy anymore once got such disease, and has to suffer from the inconvenience, disabilities or the symptoms taken by the disease every day. It is better if such diseases could be cured healthily so that the patients could return back to normal life again; however, the curation must be both effective and ethical, only with good ethics could the patient get psychological health by the treatment as well. Currently there are many biotechnologies promising to cure such diseases but have ethical risk, such as stem cell cultivation. According to clinical practice, resting is always an all-round curation for such disease, it is possible to cure such disease to create appropriate condition that could allow the damaged part of the body to have enough rest with adequate nutrition to totally recover health by itself, and this is good with ethics since the health was made by oneself.

Keywords: Incurable disease, Diabetes, Biotechnology, Ethics, Rest and nutrition

Mini Review

Incurable diseases are usually caused by the damage of organ or tissue that has important function in human body, such as diabetes, osteoporosis, and disability. Diabetes is caused by the malfunction of immune system (type 1) or pancreas (type 2). In type 2 diabetes, when the blood sugar remains high but the cells can’t react to the insulin normally, possibly because the blood sugar was too high and the volume of the cells to store sugar was saturated, the pancreas would continue producing more insulin in response to the high blood sugar while can’t get negative feedback by the lower blood sugar, then the pancreas would break done when it continued working for too long time but can’t get enough rest; thereafter, the pancreas would not be able to produce insulin normally for the body to adjust the blood sugar by itself and causes type 2 diabetes. However, the patient could still adjust his blood sugar by injecting insulin, this shows that the cells could still respond to the insulin normally to absorb and store blood sugar for use before they stored too much sugar as when they can’t react to the insulin, and it was just one’s pancreas damaged that led to the symptom, one could get his health back as long as his pancreas could get repaired and excessive blood sugar was prevented, type 2 diabetes is a fracture of pancreas and possible to be cured.

Many incurable diseases are possible to be cured by repairing the damaged organ similar to diabetes. Currently there are many biotechnologies promising to repair the damaged organs or tissues, such as transplantation and stem cell cultivation. Transplantation has been widely applied to cure many diseases caused by the damaged organ, including transplantation of blood, anemia patient could maintain his life by transplanting the blood of the type that fits his body regularly. Stem cell cultivation is the partial clone technology that induces human body cell or embryo cell as stem cell to grow specific organ or tissue for curing. However, there are serious ethical problems in stem cell research: the cultivated cells may be a new human being. A twin is just from the split of a single zygote at very early stage of the fertilization, but they are two distinguished men; stem cell cultivation is the same process to such split, just not necessarily in a natural conception.1-6 Twin producing is a natural clone process, and experimental clone of human could also make another human as well, but we can absolutely not create a new human being for curing another human being, absolutely nobody was born to be a commodity; moreover, we must give birth to healthy baby, such human producing is also not necessarily healthy.

Anyway, we still must be able to cure the incurable diseases to recover patient’s health, and we can absolutely not hurt ethics as well, ethical curation is also necessary for the psychological health of the patient, when could the ethics be good? In fact, human is different from animal, man is spiritual, absolutely when and only when there is a free spirit could do what purely he likes not determined by anything material is he a man; consequently, when and only when the patient repaired his damaged organ or tissue and recovered health absolutely only by himself does that health belong to him so that the ethics could be good. This is same to good study, absolutely only what was done by oneself belongs to him and is good, otherwise it is serious if one didn’t do by himself, that is to sell one’s love to money and doctor could help a patient but the recover is still made by the patient himself.

According to practical experience, rest is the best and only good way for one to recover health from an injury or disease, it is to recover health by himself. The damaged or ill part of the body just can’t work before it fully recovered health. Since man is spiritual, one has his own spirit and it doesn’t change when the material was removed, any recovery to health is possible as long as one could get enough rest and adequate nutrition at his damaged or ill part, e.g., an intermediate sprain could get recovered by fixing the injured parts before they were totally ruptured, providing the patient with good nutrition, one could recover health from the sprain after resting for enough long time, this is a way to rest the injured tendon to got itself repaired totally by the body.

Man’s spirit doesn’t change when the material was removed, instead it could reverse the material back when the condition is satisfying, the body is material and one’s willing is spirit, resting with good nutrition provides the adequate condition for the recovery to reverse the injury or disease. This should be same to any incurable diseases caused by damaged organ or tissue such as diabetes, osteoporosis, and disability.

In the case of type 2 diabetes, it is the pancreas damaged by the overloading work caused by excessive blood sugar that leads to the disease. When the blood sugar was too much, the cells can’t absorb the sugar in blood to respond to the insulin anymore and the pancreas had to continue work until it got the blood sugar lower. When the pancreas was damaged by the excessive work, it can’t produce insulin normally anymore, and this makes the type 2 diabetes. However, type 2 diabetes patient could still inject insulin to let the cells absorb blood sugar to enable his body function normally to live, this shows the cells could still respond to insulin normally to absorb blood sugar, and previously it might just because the cells absorbed too much sugar that caused them can’t absorb sugar in blood to respond to insulin for the moment, which damaged the pancreas by the overloading work, and they could absorb blood sugar to respond to the insulin normally again when the sugar storage therein was consumed. One could recover health from type 2 diabetes as long as his damaged pancreas could get repaired totally and work normally again, preventing excessive blood sugar in future, and the way to repair the damaged pancreas could only be to have enough rest with adequate nutrition to recover by himself, since absolutely only the health recovered by himself does belong to him and is good with ethics. The method to create the condition to allow the pancreas to have enough rest and adequate nutrition could be versatile as long as it was effective, such as replacing the damaged part of the pancreas with artificial one (not from stem cell growth) that could function as normal pancreas temporarily while providing frame of cells and nutritional material for the damaged part to totally recover by itself; finally, the recovered part would eat the artificial part and integrate with the rest of the pancreas to be a new healthy pancreas again.

Any incurable diseases caused by organ or tissue damage might be cured in similar ways that allow the damaged part to have enough rest and adequate nutrition to recover by itself, and this is good with ethics since the health was made by oneself. Rest the damaged part with good nutrition and the body could repair the damage by itself, no need for another human to produce the part where he was damaged; thereby, both the curation and ethics are good, and the health he get definitely does belong to him.





Conflicts of Interest

The authors declare no conflict of interest.

Article Type

Mini Review

Publication history

Received date: 25 February, 2023
Published date: 07 March, 2023

Address for correspondence

Jiayi Zhang, Theoretical Physics Class 3, Lanzhou, Gansu, 730070, China


© All rights are reserved by Jiayi Zhang

How to cite this article

Jiayi Zhang. The Possibility to Recover Health of the People with Incurable Diseases Without Rebelling Ethics. Trends Nur Health Care Res. 2023;3(1):1–3. DOI: 10.53902/TNHCR.2023.03.000520

Author Info

Zhang J*

School of Physical Science and technology, Lanzhou University, China

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