How to Scientifically Respond to the COVID-19 Pandemic to Recover all People’s Health to Get Zero-Covid

Zhang J*


The COVID-19 pandemic is serious risk to one’s health, one can’t be infected since it leads to heavy symptoms such as pneumonia or even death, and one must have rest to recover health before exercising when he was infected, because one’s heart, lungs and brain would be severely hurt if he didn’t take rest during the infection. Currently we could recover health from infection by enhancing nutrition, taking alcohol (only good alcohol with only ethanol but no toxic methanol could we drink, methanol is toxic, it leads to blind and death) combined with protein-rich food, having adequate rest, and taking medicines when it is necessary, reminding some medicines can’t be used together with alcohol, and one would be less infectious after he recovered health since he has stronger immunity to prevent infection, one had no infectivity as long as he had no symptom. However, the infection still threatens one’s health and life and one can’t exercise before he recovered health, all people must recover health to get zero-Covid before we release the control and prevention to resume our normal studying, exercising, work and life with a safe and healthy environment. All people must keep healthy and absolutely nobody could lose health.

Keywords: COVID-19, Nutrition and health, Alcohol combined with protein, Infectivity, Zero-Covid

Immunity, Nutrition and Health

Immunity is a symphony in human body to combat the invading microorganisms or other microscopic material that is not healthy to human body. When one was infected by pathogenetic bacteria or viruses, the adaptive immunity would respond to the invaders, T lymphocytes cells could secrete cytokines and other materials that regulate the whole immune respond including B lymphocytes, as commanders. B lymphocytes cells play roles of soldiers to produce antibody to eliminate the invaders under the regulating of T lymphocytes cells. And such immunity has memory, it would be more prepared to the invaders with same antigens after recovered health from the first infection. This is just how vaccination works, it just plays a role of antigen to exercise the immunity of human body so that the immunity could be prepared for the battel against the invading pathogenetic bacteria, viruses or other materials. Vaccination could remarkably reduce the infection rate, severity of the infection and mortality to any infectious disease that requires one’s adaptive immunity.

However, infectious disease is just a process, if one could infect others, he also could infect himself as well and he would have symptoms; consequently, when one recovered health and had no symptom, he must have no infectivity by himself since that infectivity would infect him to have symptom again. The total trend between human and infectious diseases are that human must defeat the virus or bacterium, only human would live with harmless virus or bacterium, and the viruses or bacteria that undermine one’s health must extinct, they can’t coexist with human since we human must keep healthy. The viruses and bacteria could only adapt to be harmless ones to coexist with human being, and human would only be less infectious after he recovered health from the infection since his immunity was stronger and he had no infection as long as he had no symptom. The Mary Mallon who was labelled as Typhoid Mary is impossible to be the original source of the infection since she had no symptom, the infectious source may be the ones who investigated and followed her, just persecuted that to her to capitalize her.

Immunity is dependent to one’s health, and good nutrition could enhance one’s immunity since abundant material and healthy environment could support the immune system to work well. It is worth mentioning that alcohol is a traditional Chinese beverage that has special effect to help the human body to combat the viruses if combined with protein-rich food, it is different from drug which is harmful to health, it is healthy in moderate amount and is not addictive when one took it only when he likes to drink.1 Alcohol could decompose proteins and make one happier when one was happy (he still likes what he likes) with moderate intake, combined with proper protein-rich food the human body could synthesize healthier proteins replacing the unhealthy proteins brought by the pathogenetic viruses and protein is important to immunity; therefore, alcohol combined with protein-rich food could disturb the replication of viruses, recombine all proteins synthesized to be healthier ones and reinforce one’s immunity to combat the viruses. Antibiotics like Penicilin is also feasible when one had heavy symptoms like pneumonia, professional doctor said it is also effective to viruses and just can’t be used together with alcohol.

In a word, with the help of vaccination, better nutrition including alcohol (everyone should know that it can contain absolutely only ethanol but no methanol, methanol is extremely toxic, leading to blind or death, one must make sure it is good not fake alcohol) combined with protein or some medicine when it was necessary, people could recover health from infection and became less infectious after defeating the viruses since his immunity enhanced, and the pandemic could end when all people recovered health and no more people were infected.

However, the COVID-19 infection is still serious, it led to heavy symptoms like pneumonia and even death sometimes, we must stop and prevent the pandemic. And COVID-19 hurts one’s lungs, brain and heart, these effects would be severe if one went to exercise during the infection, but we need health, keep exercising and good nutrition to improve our health, so we need a safe and healthy environment to study, exercise, work and live. For these reasons, we can absolutely not coexist with COVID-19, we all must recover health to get zero-Covid by ourselves, we must end the pandemic to keep healthy.

The Modification to Current Pandemic Responding Policy

The current pandemic responding policy is defrauding the public to classify the COVID-19 viruses as B class, such SARS-Cov-2 virus leads to severe acute disease, pneumonia sometimes and have non-zero mortality, they should be of A class. We can absolutely never allow anyone be killed or his health be castrated, and people who were infected also suffer from the symptoms, and one can’t exercise during the infection; hence, we can absolutely not coexist with COVID-19 unless it decayed into something else that is harmless to human being, we must have non-Covid-19 environment and one is non-infectious as long as he had no symptom.

One gets zero-Covid as long as he was healthy with no symptom, and one who recovered health from the infection is harder to be infected since his immunity was exercised during the infection, he should be less but not more infectious than healthy people who were not infected or not vaccinated, they are same to vaccinated healthy people; therefore, the current control to the individual with no symptom, who was only tested to have positive nucleic acid of the viruses but has no symptom, is excess measurement and might deteriorate their infection. They actually are not infected, the infectious source is not themselves and they could prevent themselves from being infected with good nutrition and adequate rest, possibly need taking some alcohol with protein-rich food moderately as well, and would not get infected anymore, they are same to healthy people; however, they may have bad nutritional condition and mood because of the control, and the hygiene of the places they were controlled may also not be good and even contain potential infectious source, so it may be the control that induced them to be infected while they originally could keep healthy and were not infected themselves. The infected must have symptom, one who had no symptom should be same to the non-infected and the infectious source definitely are not themselves; therefore, they could just enhance their nutrition, take some alcohol with protein-rich foods or some other foods that could prevent the infection, be happy, stay away from the infectious sources and sterilize their personal possessions to prevent infection and keep healthy.

The pandemic responding policy should reduce everyone’s risk of being infected and keep all people’s health, but can absolutely not allow anyone to be infected for eliminating the viruses. One who was infected could eliminate the viruses by his own immunity with enhanced nutrition including the combination of alcohol with protein-rich food or some medicine if it was necessary (some medicine can’t be used together with alcohol, the interaction between alcohol and antibiotics are toxic, doctors know this), and one would not be infectious anymore as long as he recovered health and had symptom, non-symptom is non-infected. One definitely has no COVID-19 infection as long as he had no symptom and was healthy, we only want all people keep healthy and have a safe and healthy environment without the pandemic but don’t need to eliminate all the viruses, and people could eliminate the viruses by themselves, one has zero-Covid as long as he recovered health and had no symptom, and when all people get zero-Covid it is exactly the zero-Covid we want, no more virus we need to eliminate. Whether one was infected should only be determined by whether he had symptom, the antigen or nucleic acid test are not accurate since sometimes it may not be the tested individual himself who was infected, the tested infectious source may not from himself and he might get infected during the test. The viruses are hard to be eliminated to be absolute zero, it is enough as long as one was not infected and one definitely is not infected as long as he had no symptom and could keep healthy.

We need to promote health education to enable people keep healthy by ourselves, prevent diseases and save the patients. We should record how the patients recovered their health so that we could apply to other patients, and we wish the heavy symptoms and even death could be reversed. We should provide good nutrition and hygiene to the infected patients who were quarantined to get treatment. And the individuals who had no symptom should be same to non-infected, stay away from the infection, enhance nutrition, keep exercising, improve health and prevent infection.

We people could combat the viruses by ourselves, we still must keep zero-Covid but we must be enabled to combat, be immune to the viruses and keep healthy by ourselves as well, and all people must be healthy, the pandemic must be stopped and prevented from beginning. Only all people’s health could be normal state, the pandemic can absolutely not be tolerated to coexist with us, it undermines our health, causes heavy symptoms and directly kills human being sometimes. We must normalize all people’s health to be our normal state, but can absolutely not allow the pandemic to happen. Once a pandemic happened, we must respond to stop it and save all people’s health and lives immediately, only after all people recovered health could we release the control and prevention so that there would be no pandemic thereafter, and absolutely nobody could lose health or be hurt.





Conflicts of Interest

Authors declares that there is no Conflicts of Interest.

Article Type

Review Article

Publication history

Received date: 09 January, 2023
Published date: 25 January, 2023

Address for correspondence

Jiayi Zhang, Theoretical Physics Class 3, Lanzhou, Gansu, 730070, China


© All rights are reserved by Jiayi Zhang

How to cite this article

Zhang J. How to Scientifically Respond to the COVID-19 Pandemic to Recover all People’s Health to Get Zero-Covid. Trends Nur Health Care Res. 2023;3(1):1–3. DOI: 10.53902/TNHCR.2023.03.000517

Author Info

Zhang J*

School of Physical Science and technology, Lanzhou University, China

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