Keeping Good-Looking Skin Healthily

Zhang J*


Girls like to use makeup to make their skin look beautiful, but the effect of makeup on their health is unknown. However, a healthy skin must make a good-looking skin because man definitely likes health, and nutriology provides ways for people to keep and enhance their health by themselves, i.e., proper diet combined with moderate exercising could keep one at a healthy state and prevent any diseases, even some serious diseases like diabetes and osteoporosis. There are many nutrients essential to the health of skin in natural foods and it is safe to ingest these nutrients therefrom. Exercising could improve one’s pneuma which is the quanta for one’s health and reflects how happy his mood is, the happy mood determines one’s health. The increased pneuma from exercising enables one to get overcompensation after the expenditure of each training, and it makes one healthier comprehensively. Long-term exercising could significantly improve one’s health, with better proliferation, all these would be beneficial to skin health. Combining comprehensive and balanced natural food diet and moderate exercising, a girl’s skin could look good while keeping her health, and a healthy skin is the best-looking.

Keywords: Skin health, Nurtriology, Nutrients, Makeup

Mini Review

Proper nutrition with moderate exercise keeps one healthy, and health makes good-looking. There are some nutrients that are essential for skin health. Vitamin A promotes the differentiation and maturity of cell. The formation of skin layer needs cells to differentiate into many specialized cells such as keratinocytes, it worked to produce proteins and forms the skin layer at last by their apoptosis. If one lacks related nutrients, the skin would become dry, rigid, and even split because such processes are blocked. One must take in enough vitamin A to keep his skin healthy. However, Vitamin A is liposoluble and storable, excess amount of vitamin A is toxic. Using artificial agents for ingestion could easily lead to toxic intake, and to consume it only by natural diet is safe as long as one didn’t eat too much. Vitamin A is abundant in animal liver, eggs, milks, and it could also be got by eating foods that contain carotene, such as broccoli, carrot, spinach, and some other vegetables with deep color. Carotene could be converted to vitamin A in the human body. Orange, mango, and pipa also contain carotene.

Vitamin E is also related to the function of plasma membrane which might protect the skin health, it is rich in edible oil, eggs, and some water food, but poor in vegetables, meat, fruits and milks. It is adequate to prevent the lack by taking in a spoonful of vegetable oil per day, cooked by frying with dishes. It is still safe in natural diet but may lead to toxicity by using artificial synthesized agent.

Vitamin B2 is cooperated with vitamin A, promoting the processes to keep the health of mouth, tongue, eye, and nervous system. It exists widely in milks, eggs, meats, animal organs, cereal, vegetables, and fruits, but it is water-soluble and is not stable in high temperature or sunshine for long time, one should care about preserving it when cooking.

Vitamin B6 has important functions in metabolism of protein, lipid, and energy, it is coenzyme of many enzymes for the processes related to amino acids and protein synthesis. Skin consists of many different types of skin cells and much collagen protein; therefore, it is also essential for skin health. It is widely distributed in animal and plant foods, meat is good source of it, soybean, sunflower seeds, walnut are also good. And it is also safe by natural foods intake, while possibly toxic if it was from artificial agent thereof, when one consumed too much.

Vitamin B12 promotes the cellular growth and healthy nervous tissues, it is also necessary for the formation of healthy skin. It is mainly distributed in animal foods, such as meat, animal organs, fish, shell, eggs and milk etc..

Vitamin  promotes the formation of collagen which is important constituent of skin; therefore, it is important to skin health as well. It is rich in fresh fruits and vegetables and safe in natural food, with moderate intake.

Lipid and many other mineral elements are necessary for skin health as well.
Phospholipid and cholesterol are important materials which constructed the plasma membrane, and skin cells also have membrane. Copper, zinc, chromium, phosphorus, and magnesium are all important to metabolism of protein and lipid, copper promotes the formation of collagen, zinc protects the skin and hair.

All these nutrients can be found in natural foods, and generally they are safer by natural intake. Lipid exists in animal fat and nut, vegetable oil is vegetal fat. Zinc and copper are rich in seafood, animal organs, and nuts, green colored vegetables also contain abundant zinc. Phosphorus is contained in any protein food, magnesium is relatively abundant in green vegetables, seafood, and nuts, intermediate in meat, starch food and milk. And it is worth mention that any nutrient is healthy only in moderate amount of intake, too much or less all leads to diseases, and some of them are serious, to choose natural foods is safer (majority of them is safe as long as one eats moderately), and whether one likes to eat could be a way to judge whether that intake is moderate, what one likes is the best.

Physical exercising also plays an essential role in health, related to the utilization of nutrients, utilization is an inseparable part of nutrition. With balanced and moderate diet, exercising could improve one’s health in net amount. Since it triggers the release of dopamine and serotonin, it could increase one’s pneuma, the quanta of one’s mood; thereafter, one could get overcompensation of what he expended for the exercising, such as his muscle. One’s function of heart, lungs and even brain could become better and better by keeping long-distance running or swimming in long term, which could be shown in his performance, making him easier and joyful to finish a same training. One could feel everything he saw is beautiful each time after a daily training, possibly this is the effect of dopamine release, which verifies that his pneuma, the quanta of health is increased, beauty is what one likes and makes him healthy. The function of one’s heart, lungs and brain, his ability to finish a training, or his learning and thinking ability, could reflect the pneuma he had, which could be used to measure his dopamine level. One could get better and better ability to finish a same training after each time of exercising, this proves man does like the exercising and it could increase one’s dopamine level, improve one’s pneuma and therefore make one healthier, get overcompensation after the expenditure after each exercising. One would expend much material in his body for the exercising, but only with such disassembly could he assemble new material to construct his body to be better, and his body could become healthier and stronger by the overcompensation brought by the increased dopamine. Such expenditure and overcompensation are also related to protein, lipid, and energy metabolism, and could promote one’s proliferation since his pneuma was increased, from where his skin health would also benefit, and it makes his skin look better. People who kept exercising in long-term always look youthful with smooth and shining skin, it was because stronger pneuma makes him stronger proliferation of the whole body including that of the skin; consequently, skin could better recover from injury and be updated and that makes the skin better.

Comprehensive and balanced diet provides sufficient nutrients for body to build up health, and exercising increases the pneuma which powers the health of body like the sun, skin is a part of body that consists of protein, lipid, and cells. Combining proper diet and moderate exercising one could improve his body health while modifying his skin appearance, the skin could become healthier with healthier body together.

On the other hand, makeup has unknown effect to the skin health, since the skin is still body cells which consists of lipid, protein, and collagen etc., some fat-soluble materials might be absorbed by skin, which may not be nutritional requirements of human and damage the skin health. Makeup products could make a girl look pretty for once but have bad effects in long term, forcing her to be dependent to the makeup since her skin health was damaged and therefore she can’t be good-looking by herself anymore, she has to use make up to cover her bad skin, but it only makes the things worse. Companies which produce makeup would probably utilize this effect to pursue its profit.

Some chemical weapons like Tabum, Sarin, Soman, VX and mustard gas could utilize the absorption effect of skin to poison human beings. Mustard gas could be quickly and largely absorbed into the human body purely by contacting the skin. It is specially toxic to DNA, distorting and damaging the chain of the molecules, causing abnormal apoptosis of human body cells. It is of strong toxicity but could easily be absorbed by human being only by skin. VX was also once used to assassinate Kim Jong-nam, he was only being smeared with some agent on face skin, but he died sooner thereafter.

In conclusion, whether makeup is healthy is questionable, and only health makes the skin good-looking in long term. It is better to have a comprehensive and balanced diet combined with moderate exercising, eating some natural food good to skin if one likes, to make the skin good-looking only by improving one’s health, and skin could look better when it became healthier with healthier body. Exercising is also good to mental health since it increases one’s pneuma, the feeling of happiness makes one health, one’s mood determines one’s health, pneuma is the quanta thereof and dopamine is the reflection of it. The stronger pneuma one had, the healthier he is, the better he looks, so as a girl’s skin.1-5





Conflicts of Interest

Authors declares that there is no Conflicts of Interest.


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Article Type

Mini Review

Publication history

Received date: 30 November, 2022
Published date: 06 December, 2022

Address for correspondence

Jiayi Zhang, Theoretical Physics Class 3, Lanzhou, Gansu, 730070, China


© All rights are reserved by Jiayi Zhang

How to cite this article

Zhang J. Keeping Good-Looking Skin Healthily. Trends Nur Health Care Res. 2022;2(1):1–3. DOI: 10.53902/TNHCR.2022.02.000515

Author Info

Zhang J*

School of Physical Science and technology, Lanzhou University, China

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