Chinese Spirits Combined with Meat or Peanut as Antidote to 2019n-Cov Viruses and General Way to Keep Healthy by Oneself

Zhang J*


The 2019n-Cov caused serious health problem to human being, it is same severe as SARS but infectious as influenza viruses, it makes people must be quarantined from each other and impacted the world economy; however, people’s health couldn’t be castrated by the viruses, the problem must be solved to save people’s health as well as the world economy. In October 2020, President Trump also got infected by this novel coronavirus, but he got cured and recovered to health immediately by his therapy of a special antibody-cocktail, and that is just equivalent to alcohol (ethanol) with complete protein for immunity after eating. This provided a hint for solving the 2019n-Cov problem, it shows that alcohol with protein could probably cure the novel coronaviruses infection and perfect recover one’s health therefrom, as Trump did. By looking up literature in Chinese medicine, Trump’s experience exactly fits the description that drinking alcohol could recover one’s health perfectly when he was infected by virus as the people in prehistorical eras. Alcohol is a traditional beverage for food in China and it is beneficial to health if one drinks it when and only when he likes because that could increase his total dopamine which is what makes one happy and therefore healthy, dopamine is that pneuma which is the sunshine to one’s health in the Inner Bible of the Yellow Emperor, and this is same to the view that one’s mood is the determinant factor to one’s health, as modern medicine thinks. For the moderate intake of alcohol is healthy, it is different from and totally not drug, drug actually decreases one’s dopamine and only damages one’s health, and alcohol is not a drug, and it could increase one’s dopamine when he likes and therefore benefit one’s health. Alcohol is a healthy food when taking it moderately, it would directly exist in blood after drinking and its disinfection effect by denaturing proteins could probably still same work even being diluted in blood and may be able curing the 2019n-Cov infection. According to President Trump’s successful practice, Chinese spirits combined with protein abundant foods (to neutralize its effect to human body) should be an effective antidote to the 2019n-Cov viruses and enable one to recover health perfectly therefrom.

Keywords: 2019n-Cov (COVID-19), Alcohol, Dopamine (pneuma), Health, Happiness

The Mysterious Recovery of President Trump from 2019n-Cov Infection

As the 2019n-Cov pandemic continued since January in 2019, it causes serious problem to people’s health and affected the economy because of the quarantine for combating it. In October 2020, President Trump also got infected by the novel Coronavirus; however, different from majority of the infected people, he recovered to health in several days fast and no test shows he was infectious anymore. The therapy he consumed is just a special cocktail with antibody. There were many debates about how he recovered to health, some people think he didn’t get infected by novel coronavirus, and he did not only take the antibody-cocktail therapy but also some other drugs, such as remdesivir, dexamethasone and other nutritional supplements. To understand why he could for promote healthy and effective remedies for people, an analysis of Trump’s medicine is needed.

The most noticeable thing in his therapy is that large dose of antibody-cocktail, that is his most different therapy from most patients and is not only for curing but also for health. Antibody consists of proteins that is complete for immunity, but it would be decomposed as amino acids in ingestion after eating, same to the insulin consumption, oral intake is not effective because all would be digested as protein and decomposed to be amino acids, so what Trump ate actually are the proteins contained in those antibodies. Cocktail, perhaps the most important, mainly consists of alcohol, and the content thereof are mainly spirits, fruit juice and some flavored syrup or cream1, and what is most unique is alcohol, other content were always contained in daily foods and could still be got by most patients. Therefore, alcohol is the only possible candidate for Trump’s mysterious health recovery from the novel coronavirus, the question is whether alcohol is effective to cure the novel coronavirus infection and able to recover one’s health therefrom, whether it could enable people to be immune to the coronaviruses if taking it moderately, people’s health could be saved if everyone was be immune to it and our economical communication could be continued again since we didn’t need quarantine anymore, cooperation is necessary for the development of the world.

Is Alcohol a drug? The Difference between Alcohol and Drug

Alcohol traditionally is a beverage as food in China, while in Western culture it was a drug which means it is harmful and addictive, is alcohol really a drug? It is a serious misunderstanding if alcohol was not a drug, because food is healthy when eating moderately while drug is only harmful, depriving one’s health and is crime that can absolutely not be legalized; however, this needs proof.

Alcohol is liquid fermented from wheals, grapes, and cereals. In the prehistorical era of China, alcohol was described as a beverage used for combating the invading of evil pneuma, one could always recover his health simply by drinking it if he was infected by the evil pneum. Pneuma is an element of which human body consists in ancient Chinese medicine and the evil pneuma could be virus in modern medicine. Pneuma includes any material that constructed the human body, and anything virtually existed which was spontaneously generated from one’s spirit is material. Since pneuma is more general than the cells or RNA which are primary units of which human body consists in today’s medicine, evil pneuma is more general than the virus.1

In the Chapter about pneuma in the Inner Bible of the Yellow Emperor2, the emperor said: to keep in connect with the heaven is the root of life, and the root is at Yin and Yang (pairs of souls who like each other), any tiny part of human being was connect to the pneuma from the heaven, and the evil pneuma would hurt the individual if his pneuma was broken. The pneuma from heaven is of invisible color, it is clean and clear, therefore it makes one’s minds and thoughts healthy, one could have strong pneuma if he kept internalizing it and he won’t be hurt even the evil pneuma invaded him; therefore, a wise good man would concentrate his pneuma only to what he likes, take the pneuma from heaven and keep connecting to his god (god is himself, his own spirit). His health would be castrated if he lost his connecting to the heaven and pneuma therefrom, the channels from his inside to outside would be closed and his skin and muscle would be shut, his shield pneuma would disappear (such as being materialized or addictive to drugs). Pneuma is vital to one’s health, this is consistent with modern medicine that one’s mood determines one’s health and life, i.e., one’s health is also of spiritualism not materialism, it was determined by his pneuma and the material condition outside just reacts to his pneuma; therefore, pneuma is exactly one’s happiness, and the corresponding material in modern medicine is dopamine, dopamine is pneuma but pneuma is more general since human was not confined to his animal body, as Hegel’s view that man is pure soul, his body is just part of himself.3,4

Therefore, whether the alcohol could increase one’s pneuma could determine whether it is healthy, i.e., whether it was drug. According to Söderpalm and Ericson, alcohol could activate one’s dopamine system and that’s what makes it addictive, and alcohol was considered as a drug; however, our pneuma theory indicates that it is healthy if one’s dopamine could be purely increased, so this could not be used as a judgement to whether alcohol is drug, but instead it should be judged by the pure effect after an alcohol intake, i.e., whether it would purely increase or decrease one’s dopamine level by its intake; one should also keep doing what he likes, such as learning and exercising (when it was proper, exercising after alcohol intake was not good5, to do things that make him healthy to further improve his dopamine and thereby his health. This may make him addictive to what he did, but that’s what he likes and makes him healthy, continuing what he was addictive to do could further improve his dopamine and make him both happier and healthier, his life would be more interesting, his happiness could be increased continuously thereby, and this is inverse to drug.

Since dopamine is healthy itself and makes one happier, what drugs made must undermine one’s pneuma, i.e., killing his dopamine and destroying his dopamine system, the addictiveness is from his needs of the dopamine his lost but the drug is cheating him, drugs may reward some dopamine he was needing but his total dopamine must be decreased after using, because his health was damaged by the drug; thereafter, if he continued this loop, the end is that his dopamine system would totally be destroyed and he couldn’t feel happy anymore, that is he couldn’t generate any dopamine (pneuma) himself and his health would therefor collapse, because he can’t feel happy, can’t have pneuma which is the determinant factor to his health, as written in the Yellow Emperor’s Bible, one’s pneuma to his health is like the sun to the sky, one’s health would be castrated if his pneuma was lost, this is rightly what some drug users experienced, it was not feeling of happiness itself bad but just the inverse, drug destroys one’s feeling of happiness and cheat people that his happiness was increased while the reality is the inverse.

Thereafter, whether alcohol is drug? Traditionally, alcohol in China is same to beauty in West, it could increase one’s dopamine when one likes (such as that I think she is beautiful), alcohol is not drug, instead just such a beverage for food, and we would take good alcohol (in addition methanol is strongly toxic while only ethanol fermented from foods are alcohol for drink) when friends came, people could talk with each other in more relaxed atmosphere, because alcohol increases the dopamine and we would feel more ease to talk what we like with friends thereby, it is healthy because it increases dopamine, and one could use the temporary dopamine he got to do what he likes to further increase his dopamine to feel happy, such as learning and exercising, physics and mathematics etc., what creates value must make one happy and could create his dopamine, and therefore must be what he likes; and what one sincerely likes must also be valuable, this sense is something deep in one’s consciousness, learning and exercising must be what one likes. For alcohol could purely increase one’s dopamine when he likes, and Chinese people had taken it as daily drinking for thousands of years, it is not a drug as long as taking it moderately, i.e., to drink when and only when one likes, and don’t force one to drink when he didn’t want, whether it was healthy totally depends on whether one’s dopamine could be increased in total after drinking, since dopamine is one’s pneuma and determines one’s health. Anyway, drug also seems to be addictive and is related to dopamine, what’s the difference between drug and alcohol?

As previously talked, one’s pneuma is the decisive factor to one’s health and therefore whether alcohol was drug is determined by whether it would increase one’s pneuma. Drugs must decrease one’s pneuma because it hurts one’s health, that’s what makes it drug and otherwise it would be food if it was healthy; therefore, drug must decrease one’s dopamine, hurt one’s pneuma so as his feeling of happiness, but why something that undermines one’s feeling of happiness makes him addictive and seems to make him happy? That was because the drugs still rewarded the user some dopamine he needed, but that amount must be less than the amount he lost by his taking drugs, otherwise it would not destroy his health if he got more dopamine after he took the drug. Since one’s pneuma would balance the effect of his intake and determines his health, the effects of one’s intake is also influenced by his mood etc. which are subjective factors for individual, and the sum effect is determined by whether it creates new pneuma which improves one’s health, it would be a healthy effect as long as it was good to one’s pneuma, which would be reflected as increase of his dopamine level, and vice versa.

In fact, drug user didn’t really like drug because it is harmful to his dopamine, his health, its total effect undermines his pneuma, each intake would degenerate his total dopamine, and the dopamine rewarded just cheated him and is always less than that he lost, he wanted to escape but the need of his dopamine forces him to use drug otherwise he would get unimaginably tormenting feeling4, perhaps it is more painful than being dead since dopamine is one’s health and happiness which are as important as life.

It is worth mentioning that dopamine, one’s pneuma could only be created by himself, only by his own laboring what he likes could he create more new dopamine that really belongs to him, otherwise he would always lose dopamine if it was only passively stimulated by outer material he took, since that was not what he likes and won’t create any valuable thing by himself, and the dopamine creation by alcohol was also determined by one’s estimates of euphoria3, i.e., whether he likes it, when and only when he likes would his intake of alcohol increase his dopamine level which is healthy and he should further keep doing what he likes by using it, especially by learning and exercising (when the time was proper) to convert that temporary dopamine increase (he likes it) to be a permanent one (he did it), temporariness is because he won’t have that dopamine if he didn’t like that intake, therefore he must do what he likes to convert that liking into a permanent one, he must do it if he likes, to make it from uncertain to certain; however, more dopamine is healthy and would make him feel easier to do what he likes, i.e., could enhance his learning and thinking abilities etc. by that temporary dopamine increase.

In addition, the only way to escape drug is to refuse its dopamine cheating and to do what he likes to satisfy his needs of dopamine. He should get the feeling of happiness by himself, by his own laboring what he likes instead of being cheated by drug which destroys it or relying on any material, absolutely only himself is reliable therefor and he can absolutely not take any material he didn’t like to satisfy his needs of dopamine (feeling of happiness), he can absolutely not like drug because that would decrease his dopamine and undermine his pneuma, only after when he knew he didn’t like it again could that indicates that he’d successfully got rid of the drug and recovered to health.

For alcohol could purely increase one’s dopamine sometimes, when he likes, one could create new pneuma by taking it if he likes and that would be health beneficial if he combined it with doing what he likes thereafter, keep doing what he likes, especially learning and exercising or anything healthy, alcohol is a good beverage for making friends and is healthy as long as one took it moderately, and the proper amount just depends on whether he likes, it is healthy as long as he likes otherwise it would be too much and he should reduce that, this is consistent with current studies about alcohol, it is healthy with moderate consumption while heavy drinking is still harmful5, reducing excess drink is healthier and moderate consumption is the best. Alcohol is not drug as long as there was no materialism, people could only do what he likes but not forced by money to do what he didn’t like.

Is Alcohol Effective to Curing the Novel Coronaviruses Infection and Recover One’s Health Therefrom?

In the Inner Bible of the Yellow Emperor, alcohol was something people made but only left for combat the invading of evil pneuma and could make one healthy again by its intake; however, medicine workers at that time gradually didn’t use it and replace it by many other intensive drugs to curing the diseases, but the drugs didn’t work well.

Anyway, the way how Trump recovered to health after the infection by taking his special antibody-cocktail exactly fit the answer by that medical worker to the Yellow Emperor, when it came to the middle prehistorical era, the morality of people partly degenerated, and the evil pneuma always came to invade people, but one could recover to his health therefrom simply by drinking alcohol. It was just confusing to Emperor why people didn’t use today and use drugs instead but the drugs don’t work well even the patient lost his shape and all his blood leaked.

The medicine alcohol contains methanol which is severely toxic, and one would lose his sight once drank it, and the beverage alcohol contains only ethanol, it was fermented from cereals, rice, grape, and wheals etc.; anyway, both methanol and ethanol are alcohol that could denature proteins and were often used to sterilize, its mechanism is by “…disrupting the intramolecular hydrogen bonding between side chains which is essential to maintain tertiary protein structure, the alcohol molecules compete with the amino acid residues to participate in forming new hydrogen bonds, which distances the side chains from each other and thus breaks protein’s tertiary structure…”.6 The medicine alcohol which contains 75% of alcohol is often used in instant sterilization, also when combating the novel-covid, but would it be same effective to disinfect the virus infection in human body, especially the novel-covid viruses? Alcohol (ethanol) would be directly absorbed in one’s stomach after its intake, and it would circulate throughout the body for many hours after drinking. Although it would be largely diluted in the human body after intake, its disinfection effect would probably still be preserved in view of its mechanism of sterilization, it was alcohol molecular which competes with the amino acid residues to participate in forming new hydrogen bonds, distancing the side chains from each other and thus break the tertiary protein structure, such competition could only be slowed after diluting but there is still no reason that it would disappear thereby, it would probably continue function as long as it still existed in blood. In fact, the alcohol does stay in one’s blood for a long time after one’s intake, directly in form of alcohol molecule, it could be tested out from one’s breath several hours after its intake, and this could approve that alcohol would function same disinfection effect after one drinking it to that of the 75% medicine alcohol which is an well effective sterilizing agent used only outside (contains methanol), the effect would only have slower rate but this could be compensated by the longer staying time of alcohol after being diluted in one’s blood; thereafter, it is exactly what was described in the Inner Bible of the Yellow Emperor that the people in the middle prehistorical era made alcohol storage and one could get cured and recover to health simply by drinking it if one was infected by the evil pneuma, the virus today, and is the only possibility of how Trump get cured and recovered to health faster and perfectly after being infected by the novel coronaviruses, different from many people over the world.

Chinese Spirits Combined with Meat or Peanut As The Antidote To The 2019n-Cov and Keeping Pneuma as the General Way To Keep Healthy

“A cocktail is an alcoholic mixed drink. Most commonly, cocktails are either a combination of spirits, or one or more spirits mixed with other ingredients such as tonic water, fruit juice, flavored syrup, or cream. Cocktails vary widely across regions of the world, and many websites publish both original recipes and their own interpretations of older and more famous cocktails.”7 What Trump took as the therapy for the novel coronavirus infection is a large dose of antibody-cocktail with some other drugs, and he was successfully cured and recovered his health from the infection.

According to previous analysis, alcohol is healthy when consuming it moderately, and a moderate consumption is that intake of when and only when one likes, such moderate consumption could have positive health effect combined with healthy living habits, doing what one likes after moderate intake of it could fix the temporary dopamine increase he got therefrom to be permanent ones and improve one’s health since dopamine is what makes one happy, and happiness is what determines one’s health, dopamine is the pneuma in ancient Chinese literature where it was described as the sunlight for health. Keep learning, exercising, and doing anything he likes could accumulate his dopamine continuously.

Drinking alcohol (ethanol) would probably perform only slower but same disinfection function in blood as it was used intensively outside, such as that in medicine alcohol, has same reaction with the protein molecules of the viruses to that in medicine alcohol but only reacts much more slowly (also only ethanol) since it was diluted in the blood, and this could be compensated by the longer reacting time between the alcohol (ethanol) and the protein shell of the virus in blood, this disinfection function of alcohol (only ethanol is drinkable) beverage may be same to that of medicine alcohol (75% ethanol, but this medicine one may contain severely toxic methanol, this can absolutely not for drinking), and there is recording that the prehistorical people use alcohol to cure virus infection which is coincidentally same to what President Trump experienced by therapy for the 2019n-Cov infection, the antibody-cocktail is equivalent to intense alcohol (only ethanol) with protein, since the antibody would be digested as proteins after eating and only ethanol alcohol could be the effective content in Trump’s cocktail therapy for curing the infection and recover one’s health therefrom. Alcohol is proved to be probably effective to eliminate virus infection in human body and the only possibility of what makes Trump recover health perfectly from the infection, because many other drugs are only for curing but does no help to one’s health and many other nutrients are common in other patients who weren’t cured successfully, they still need to recover to health; furthermore, alcohol is healthy when and only when one likes the intake, it could purely increase one’s dopamine temporarily which could be further fixed by his doing what he likes, by talking with friends he like and keep learning and exercising (better not to drink alcohol and exercise at the same time) further.

For the health benefits of moderate alcohol intake, alcohol itself is not drug but could instead be a nutrient for healthy people; moreover, for it could increase one’s pneuma sometimes when one likes and its possible disinfection effect in blood after drinking, the patients who had no contraindication to alcohol may better need such nutrient and could help him better combat with the virus infection, possibly it could perfectly cure infection of the 2019n-Cov viruses and recover one’s health therefrom, as what President Trump experienced; therefore, Chinese spirits which were alcohol beverages fermented by cereals that contains only ethanol, could be an alternation for Trump’s cocktail and it could be produced in batch fast in China, as that is beverage frequently consumed by Chinese for their parties when friends came together, to have a good meal and talk something interesting together, and it should be combined with sufficient protein intake by meat or peanut, to meet the nutrition for immunity and neutralize the burning feeling it may brought to the stomach, alcohol could denature many proteins including that in stomach so one need some meat, peanut or other foods that contains proteins to neutralized its denaturation to the proteins of human body.

Generally, one’s health is totally determined by his pneuma, and dopamine is the corresponding material to pneuma in modern medicine, and this point is same to the view that one’s mood is the determinant factor to one’s health. Therefore, the essential way to keep healthy is to keep this pneuma, to protect it not to be hurt and to do more what one likes to create more pneuma to accumulate one’s health. Dopamine is exactly this pneuma which makes one feel happy, it is healthy itself and affected by one’s subjective value of what makes him happy. It could give one feeling of happiness and one could be healthier to do what he likes to do which could further stabilize the temporary dopamine increase he got from what he likes outside, such as alcohol or beauty, what he did would create something valuable which makes him happy.

Keep doing what one likes, keep learning and exercising while accepting the dopamine he got from what he likes as well, one’s pneuma could be created infinitely and therefore his health could be increased without limitation; meanwhile, one should also reduce doing what he didn’t like to do (such as for money) or to consume (such as excess alcohol etc.) to protect his pneuma not to be hurt, thereby one could save and accumulate his pneuma to keep healthy by himself, one’s life might also be able to prolong infinitely in this way.


Thanks to all my professors and teachers who taught me a lot of useful things as well as how to learn, and thanks to the editors who patiently works. Thanks to my friends and parents.



Conflicts of Interest

Authors declares that there is no Conflicts of Interest.

Article Type

Review Article

Publication history

Received date: 01 July. 2022
Published date: 27 July, 2022

Address for correspondence

Jiayi Zhang, Theoretical Physics Class 3, Lanzhou, Gansu, 730070, China


© All rights are reserved by Jiayi Zhang

How to cite this article

Zhang J. Chinese Spirits Combined with Meat or Peanut as Antidote to 2019n-Cov Viruses and General Way to Keep Healthy by Oneself. Trends Nur Health Care Res. 2022;2(1):1–5. DOI: 10.53902/TNHCR.2022.02.000514

Author Info

Zhang J*

School of Physical Science and technology, Lanzhou University, China

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