Exosomes Comprehensive

Paoliello V*


Exosomes are thiny particles about 100nm, containing dna, rna, mic rna, and proteins, as many others, it can slit to another cell by simple contact.known as ev´s( extra vesicles) particles.

Discovered in 1980, they`re not trash.they can be injected in patients to target specific tissues.

Exosomes therapy can be used in several pathologic diseases such as: amiothrofic lateral sclerosis (als), in england, very good results have been obtained.

Cells work to repair, reconstruct. Growth factors or proteins provide cellular differentiation, modulation, angiogenesis and promote cellular bioactivity.

Formation of exosomes: cell membrane invagination creates the endosomes with proteins, messenger rna, and micro rna. Outside of cell, are excreated endosomes that target specific cells promoting cell differentiation, and antinflamatory response is created, than the exosomes penetrates the cell and release the proteins and the mrna, mi rna, stem cells, proliferation and differentiation are done and consequences are healing process.exosomes with over 1000 growth factors, instead of prp are injected aiming to rejuvenate the human cells. What is proposed are hypothetical, not promoting real reverse in aging process! Using exosomes are very poor results and controversial! They say better results but this is nonsense. These cells obtained of bone marrow or umbilical cord is very dangerous and not safe. There are not approuved exosomes products of fda by now! In particular there are no improuvement in hair quality or skin better results. To prove the sources of this substance, reverse aging or particularly diseases, are not proved at all. These new things must be eshaust ly studied before using in patientes, there must be patients using these new medications and concepts in slowly way, no faster results…there seems to be very inoccue to use in skin face but this is pseudoscience…new is not necesserily better.

Exosomes can have newer side effects unknown by now…

I don’t believe that microneedling therapy using microsomes will be reffered by fda. Rejuvenate facial skin or hair scalp has not yet proven scientific results.




This Opinion received no external funding.

Conflicts of Interest

Regarding the publication of this article, the author declares that he has no conflict of interest.

Article Type


Publication history

Received date: 16 June, 2024
Published date: 25 June, 2024

Address for correspondence

Victor Paoliello, MD., Hair transplant surgeon, Rua Caramuru 104, Vitória ES 29015020, Brazil


© All rights are reserved by Victor Paoliello

How to cite this article

Paoliello V. Exosomes Comprehensive: Opinion. Mod Res Plast Recon Sur. 2024;4(1):1. DOI: 10.53902/MRPRS.2024.04.000537

Author Info

Paoliello V*

Plastic surgeon, Hair transplant surgeon, Brazil

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