The Agencyment Bicycling Latinamerican Open Streets

Manfiolete Troncoso LD*


Open streets, Ciclovías recreativas, Agencyment, Bicycling, Public policy

Letter to Editor

The purpose of this Letter to Editor the Journal of Psychological Science and Research presenting our particular interpretation recreational open streets programs as political technologies in the agencyment Latin American bicycling. We intend to understand organization public-private management experiences contextualized Red de Ciclovías Recreativas de las Américas (Red-CRA) and analyze the discursive convergences and divergences in this form of cultural agency related work of promoting sustainable active mobility. The ongoing research interviewed 26 promoters of recreational cycle paths from the countries of Brazil, Argentina, Chile, Peru, Ecuador, Colombia and Mexico, based on the inclusion criteria:

  1. a. Being a member of Red-CRA
  2. b. Be part of public management or private initiative in the organization of recreational cycle paths
  3. c. Participate in the communication of bicycling promotion events

The research hypothesis is centered on the possibility of thinking about the traffic on the public road available for the subject of bicycle mobility inserted in a context of insecurity due to the risk of accidents, a structural framework of violence caused by the disorderly occupation of the automobile. On the one hand, thinking the bicycle beyond "healthy lifestyle" marketing, as public institutions have the responsibility to rethink the hegemonic model of governmentality of contemporary urban mobility based on motorized transport, structured on the highway model, to promote safe and comfortable favorable conditions so that people can choose, in their free time, to use their own energy when moving in a safe space. On the other hand, the role of critical reflection occupied by this network of Latin American promoters promotes a viable public policy alternative with the partial-temporary closure from 7:00 am to 3:00 pm of 131 kilometers of public roads on Sundays and holidays for people's use as time-space to prepare the future cyclist to ride in their daily lives. The work reference in the institutional organization of public policy management for citizen participation in sports and recreational activities in Latin America comes from the Instituto Distrital de Recreación y Deporte (IDRD), Central District of Bogotá, Colombia, which organizes the Ciclovía and Recreovía Programs where more than a million people participate in these events, which has an apparatus arranged by bicycle lane guards, police, street commerce, businessmen, mechanics, health professionals such as doctors, nurses and physical educators, athletes and the general population involved in various other recreational activities being considered as the largest urban linear park in the world.





Conflicts of Interest

Author declares that there is no conflict of interest.

Article Type

Letter to Editor

Publication history

Received date: 10 August, 2021
Published date: 20 August, 2021

Address for correspondence

Leandro Dri Manfiolete Troncoso. Candidate PhD Human Development and Technologies. Institute of Biosciences of Rio Claro of the São Paulo State University "Júlio de Mesquita Filho" (IBRC-UNESP), Brazil


© All rights are reserved by Leandro Dri Manfiolete Troncoso

How to cite this article

Manfiolete Troncoso LD. The Agencyment Bicycling Latinamerican Open Streets. J Psych Sci Res. 2021;1(3):01. DOI: 10.53902/JPSSR.2021.01.000514

Author Info

Manfiolete Troncoso LD*

Institute of Biosciences of Rio Claro of the São Paulo State University "Júlio de Mesquita Filho" (IBRC-UNESP), Brazil

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