Symmetry in Quantum Mechanics and Gauge Theory for Gravity

Jiayi Zhang*


To unify gravitational interaction with other three kinds of interaction are a work hadn’t been finished by Albert Einstein and a big problem that human must solve to continue living in the universe. As the covariant derivative in gravitational theory, i.e., in general relativity has similar structure to that in gauge theory, (it is worth mentioning that  for the covariant derivative for a covariant vector), people asked whether there would some links between the connection  (or  for covariant vector) and the graviton, and whether gravity could be described by a gauge theory. Starting from quantum mechanics, the relationship between symmetry and the invariance of the Lagrangian may be the essence of the gauge invariance in gauge theory, which represents the invariance of Lagrangian under a gauge transformation; therefore, a gauge theory of gravity may also be built in a similar way from this relationship by , for which reason the covariant derivative of a tensor  must remain to be a tensor as the original tensor , and it leads to the existence of connection  or .

The conservation law has theoretical explanation in quantum mechanics. When there is a symmetry, the system, i.e., a state would keep invariant after a transformation which is under this symmetry.

Supposing there is a symmetry, the transformation under this symmetry is , an arbitrary state is , then  would be invariant under transformation , that is,


where  is a parameter, and it could be proved that Hamiltonian  is therefore also invariant:


If there is such a symmetry, for arbitrary state

there must be a complete set of the eigenstates of the Hamiltonian
,                                                  (3)
That any state could be expanded by this complete set of the Hamiltonian :

that is (2)
When there is a symmetry  and its transformation to any state is , there is always (1) since there is symmetry, this leaves the Hamiltonian also invariant by the transformation under the symmetry, this invariance could be represented as the commutative relation (2) and a conserved quantity could be derived there from.

For example, the conservations of energy and momentum were led by the symmetry when the state was transported in time and space, a state keeps invariant after such a transformation and therefore there is commutative relations between the Hamiltonian and the transformation operators for the transportations. The transformation operator in time and space could be:
and it could be proved that any function could be expanded as Taylor series:
The proof of Taylor formula starts with Cauchy mean value theorem which starts from Roll theorem,
as Figure 1 shows, when there is a continuous function  derivable in , there must be a  between  that has zero derivative there:
, since there must be at least one extremum point between  if . Supposing it is , the right and left derivative at this point satisfies
when it is minimum, or
when it is maximum, and since the derivative exists in every point of this region


where .Lagrange mean value theorem could be proved with Roll’s:
Define Figure 2

the later part  is the just the straight line between points  and , then one could apply Roll’s theorem as proved before, there must be a point  between where, that is

,                  (11)
(11) is the Lagrange mean value theorem. Cauchy mean value theorem is one more step after Lagrange’s,  and  are two functions of variable , define:
, ,
as shown in Figure 3, there must be a point  that makes:
that is

where  (13) is Cauchy mean value theorem. Using Cauchy’s mean value theorem could prove that any function  could be expanded as Taylor series:
where  could be proved to be  and
Applying Cauchy mean value theorem

the four-dimensional momentum  is a conserved quantity, this conservation comes from the symmetry when the system was transported in space and time. And since  is a conserved quantity, the effect of this transformation  to any state would be , and this is just to add a phase to the state, and the state keeps invariant under the transformation.
In gauge theory for the electromagnetic interaction, the system, i.e., a stateof electromagnetic field, must keep invariant under a transformation:
because of the conservation of electric charge and gauge invariance, it is required that:
which is to remain the Lagrangian invariant, because the transformation doesn’t change the coordinate  in .This invariance could be from a symmetry  in the field, of which the transformation under this symmetry is , and the state keeps invariant after a transformation under this symmetry:
.This requires that the Lagrangian (Lagrangian and Hamiltonian same represent the energy of the system, as a function of only , where  and  are general coordinates and momentums respectively, ) must keep invariant after a transformation, therefore there must be
whereis a conserved quantity since for the symmetry as well. This is electric charge conservation, and the transformation would be: 
where is the value of the conserved quantity  of the state, and since the Lagrangian consists of only , i.e., , and it is  after quantization, since , , then (31) would lead to
this is exactly (29), the gauge invariance after a gauge transformation in the gauge field for electromagnetic interaction, it is because of a symmetry, i.e., , under which the transformation operator is , and it is the reason for the conservation of electric charge.

In summary, the gauge invariance in electromagnetic field originates from a symmetry, and the transformation under this symmetry keeps the system invariant, such a transformation is a gauge transformation, and the transformation must keep the Lagrangian invariant. This invariance leads to (31), which is equivalent to:

where for the conservation of electric charge, led by that the transformation keeps the Hamiltonian invariant (31), and this is exactly (29) in the gauge theory for the electromagnetic field, it represents the invariance of the Lagrangiansame as (31).

Moreover, usually the factor  in the gauge transformation (30) is local, not global anymore, that is,  would be a function of ,i.e., and not a parameter anymore, but the Lagrangian still keeps invariant under the transformation, therefore there could be a modification to the partial derivative:
to keep

still equivalent to (31) as (33) did when the  was global. The Lagrangian must keep invariant as (31) represented because of the symmetry the transformation was under, and is called the covariant derivative in the gauge theory for the electromagnetic field.

By calculating, when there is (35), there must be:

and in is the photon which is the gauge particle of the gauge field for electromagnetic interaction.
The structure of covariant derivative in general relativity,
is similar to that in gauge theory, and the connections  and therein also have similar properties as  in , which is the covariant derivative of the gauge field for electromagnetic field, they keep  still a tensor after  exerted on a tensor  in the gravitational field, which should be a state therein.

Historically, people asked whether such a connection may at least have some links with the graviton, the gauge particle of the gauge field for gravitational interaction, it is also what the gravitational wave consists of. According to the relationship between symmetry and the gauge invariance as shown before, this invariance should also be led by a symmetry in the gravitational field which leaves any state in the field invariant after a transformation under this symmetry, and the relation for the invariance of the state (2), should still be similar to (31) and result in a similar relation as (36) between the transformation and the state in gravitational field, supposing such a transformation is ,
which is equivalent to the invariance of the Lagrangian,
as (31), and this invariance requires that  must still be a tensor as to enable
where  is a parameter, because there must be  for the symmetry.

The counterpart quantity to electric charge in electromagnetic field is massin gravitational field, and mass is a combination of energy and momentum according to relativistic mechanics:
the symmetry that keeps the mass conserved is probably still the transportation symmetry in the conservations of energy and momentum as (22) represented, a state is invariant when it was parallel transported in the space time, and the transformation operator is still
in (21), as proved before, and the invariance of the state after the transformation leads to
and it leaves the four-dimensional momentum  conserved, therefore , where  is the value
of the conserved quantity , and the relation would be
If a state in the gravitational field is, then (43) is equivalent to
for Hamiltonian only consists of  and their operator are , , this requires that  is same a tensor as  to make sense of the calculation. When we came to (43), since  is not always same a tensor as , we can’t get , but the symmetry demands that there must be (43), so we could construct the covariant derivative (36) in gravitational field to and we could get (44) which is equivalent to (43); therefore,  also must still be a tensor as , (44) expresses the invariance of Hamiltonian after the transformation under the transportation symmetry. As Einstein’s gravitational field finally is
where  is the energy-momentum tensor, gravity may also be described by a gauge theory as (44).


Thanks to everyone.



Conflicts of Interest

Author declares that there is no conflict of interest.


  1. 1. Qian Bochu. Quantum Mechanics. Higher Education Press. Beijing.
  2. 2. Duan Yishi. General relativity and gravitational gauge theory. Science Press. Beijing.
  3. 3. Yang CN. Gauge invariance in classical field theories. Phy Rep. 1978;9C:1.

Article Type

Review Article

Publication history

Received date: 30 July, 2023
Published date: 08 September, 2023

Address for correspondence

Jiayi Zhang, Theoretical Physics, school of physical science and technology, Lanzhou University, Lanzhou, Gansu, China


© All rights are reserved by Jiayi Zhang

How to cite this article

Jiayi Z. Symmetry in Quantum Mechanics and Gauge Theory for Gravity. Glob Scient Res Env Sci. 2023;3(1):1–5. DOI: 10.53902/GSRES.2023.03.000524

Author Info

Jiayi Zhang*

Theoretical Physics, school of physical science and technology, Lanzhou University, China

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